Watch "Oprah's 2020 Vision Tour Visionaries: The Rock Interview" on YouTube
Monday, July 26, 2021
What I Learned From the Inventor of Zoom
If there's one thing I noticed about our sheltering-in-place time, it's that complaining did absolutely nothing about it. Complaining about the lack of work didn't magically produce more work, ditto lack of income. Complaining about the ordeal (challenge) of home-schooling (especially if more than one child was involved) didn't make it less onerous. Complaining about the lack of TP didn't make it grow on trees. In fact, all complaining did was annoy whoever else was around to hear it, and didn't make you much happier either.
Most importantly, complaining about the possibility of catching the virus didn't make it less probable, and if you did contract it, complaining about it didn't make it go away faster either.
Problem-solving is the obvious answer to all of our complaints. Looking for answers, resources, for help with any given situation is always the way.
One of the more fascinating solutions many of us found to our self-isolation, was Zoom. A phenomenal invention that most people had never heard of pre-coronavirus. After all, we had FaceTime and Skype, weren't those enough? Yet Zoom became the go-to for not-in-person meetings, rendezvous, and just plain chats.
Which got me wondering, how did Zoom come about in the first place? Love. I'm not talking about loving the planet and all those who inhabit it, I'm actually talking about the more common boy-meets-girl variety (or boy-meets-boy/girl-meets-girl, take your pick), the one-on-one type.
Eric S. Yuan, founder and CEO of Zoom, as a freshman in college in China had to take a ten-hour train ride in order to visit his girlfriend, now his wife, and although he road that train regularly (love will do that to you), he really detested the travel and tried to imagine other ways he could meet up with his girlfriend, travel-free. Some 15 or so years later, he was able to finally develop the virtual platform he'd dreamed of for so long. Zoom. Which is what has allowed us to connect with those we love, these many years later.
If Eric Yuan could do it, why not us? Why can't each of us take that thing we complain about the most and turn our complaining energy to better use, namely, problem-solving? Bitching about my inability to attend the ballroom dance lessons so dear to my competitive-ballroom-dancer-heart wasn't/isn't getting the COVID restrictions lifted any faster, and heaven knows ballroom-dancing is one of those up-close-and-personal sports likely to be last on the list of allowed activities.
Once I stopped whining, I decided to train myself to dance some new patterns, and to improve my basic technique one painstakingly slow day at a time. It's working. No, it's not what I'd like for the long term, but at least I feel that I'm being proactive and productive practicing in my kitchen, moving towards my ballroom goals. And when I flag, I remember Eric Yuan and how he developed Zoom.
What's that one thing you love to do, that you can't given our present circumstances? Or can't do as much of as you'd like? Or in the way you'd like to be doing it? Put your excellent creative mind to use (yes, you have one), and figure out some way to work on whatever it is within the confines of our present experience. It's far better for your heart, mind and soul than inflicting your groans and moans on everyone, yourself included.
Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, consultant, popular speaker in the U.S. and abroad, and author of over a dozen best-selling books. Dr. Nelson focuses on how we can all enjoy happy, fulfilling lives while accomplishing great things in love, at home and at work, as we appreciate ourselves, our world and all others. She is the author of "Happy Healthy... Dead: Why What You Think You Know About Aging Is Wrong and How To Get It Right" (MindLab Publishing). You Matter. You Count. You Are Important. Visit,,
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Sunday, July 25, 2021
No One is the Same
No One is the Same
The initial reaction to getting a diagnosis is varied, I remember I just sat there in shock. Even though I found my own lump and brought it to the attention of my doctor, it was still a stock. I love the question from my doctor, “Do you have any questions?” Really? I had so many questions but I couldn’t get any of them formulated at that moment. My brain had shut down, I was numb and my mouth and my brain felt disconnected.
Others burst out crying at the mention of cancer and other reactions stem all along the spectrum. Your family will also react in different ways, some helpful, others not so much. The victim in the family will act as if you are doing this to them. Others will be over emotional, some stoic. The thing to remember it isn’t your job to make everyone else feel better about your cancer. I think as women it’s what we do, but honestly, it’s not your responsibility.
If people are too much for you to handle, allow someone else in your life to buffer those people and their emotions. You have enough of your own emotions to deal with without feeling the emotions of others. Suggest your contact be like it used to be, if you are friends that go to lunch, talk about the latest movies, do that. You haven’t changed, it’s still you, and you still like most of things you used to like. Cancer is a disease, it’s not contagious and it shouldn’t affect your relationships. But it does, so have the conversations necessary to come to an understanding of what that looks like.
Don’t make assumptions that you or your peeps will react the same as others. Understand that it will be necessary to process emotions and the grief that goes with that. Time does heal, give yourself time and the space to process what your cancer experience effects and what that means to you, your family and your friends. Be open to talking about what’s going on with you both physically and emotionally. It’s ok to choose someone outside of your main circle who isn’t as emotionally vested. Practice on them then work toward having the similar conversations with those closer.
Will Smith ON: Owning Your Truth and Unlocking the Power of Manifestation
Watch "Will Smith ON: Owning Your Truth and Unlocking the Power of Manifestation" on YouTube
Saturday, July 24, 2021
How To Let Go Of Resisting Difficult Feelings
My slogan is "Let go and let God" but I understand not everyone feels that way. But life can dish out some tough stuff that if we hold on to, it won't serve you well for your future. Check out this article.
How To Let Go Of Resisting Difficult Feelings
By Tony Fahkry
Make Peace With Your Difficult Emotions
What emotions do you repeatedly struggle with? It is anger, shame, anxiety, fear or others? This year has been a year like no other, that exposed our negative emotions. However, if we don't deal with them, we are likely to re-experience them at a later time. It is easy to escape difficult emotions because who wants to face them time after time? But they can hold important messages, and when they keep re-emerging, it is a sign we need to heal or transform something in our life. The pain and suffering we experience are only a danger when they are at a distance from us. What do I mean by this? Our painful emotions are a danger because from a distance they cause us pain and suffering. But what if we become intimate with these feelings, instead of pushing them away?
That is, we get to know them on a deeper level, so we stop fighting and resisting them. For example, have you ever judged someone from afar, perhaps someone you didn't like? Then, you got to know them and discovered they weren't what you imagined? In fact, they were pleasant and likeable. The same thing happens when we befriend our difficult emotions. We invite painful feelings to come closer and in doing so, drop our resistance to them. Suddenly, they are no longer as frightening or overwhelming as we once thought.
When you make peace with your difficult emotions, they no longer have a grip on you and you discover joy and freedom in your life. This freedom was always there, but the difficult emotions obscured it. After all, painful emotions can't control you when you are intimate with them because the role of an emotion is to move through you, not get stuck in your mind and body. Yet, many people unknowingly hold on to negative emotions for years, even decades. In earlier articles, I mentioned the neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor, who says an emotion takes two-and-a-half minutes to move through our nervous system.
Knowing this, it makes sense we get to know our emotions on a deeper level, instead of ignore them. So, to stop resisting difficult feelings, inhabit your body when they arise. For example, if you had a heated exchange with a friend or loved one and you experienced fear and anger, move into the area of your body where these emotions are present and sit with them. Be with them until the emotion dissolves and you will discover an expansive energy of love, joy and freedom. People often ask me: how long does it take to be free of negative emotions? Will it come back once I've done this exercise?
Heal And Transform The Pain Of Your Past
As mentioned earlier, it takes two-and-a-half minutes for an emotion to be processed through our nervous system. However, if we've ignored our difficult emotions for years, it may take longer to process them. There have been times I've experienced anxiety that lasted 30 seconds and other times, I experienced anger that lasted 30 minutes. It will depend on how long the emotion has been alive in our nervous system and whether we are willing to face it. Remember: difficult emotions teach us important lessons that we have ignored. They shine a light on something that requires our attention, otherwise they will reappear, perhaps as a disease or illness, if we are not mindful.
Are you satisfied that difficult feelings don't have to dominate your life? That you can make peace with them and learn the lessons they're trying to impart? It's worth getting this idea, so you are not destined to repeat the same mistakes. To paint another analogy, what if someone continually showed up to your front door, and you didn't answer? They might show up again until you open the door to see who it is. This is what happens with our difficult emotions. They keep returning and we turn them away because we don't want to deal with them. But we must learn to embrace our negative emotions because they can help us learn about our past, so we don't recreate it in the future.
So, if you've had a history of bad relationships with previous partners, pushing away your negative emotions may cause them to re-emerge in your next relationship. After all, you want to be in a healthy and loving relationship with a similar minded person, don't you? Then, it requires healing and transforming the pain of your past, so you don't recycle it in your next relationship. Otherwise, we will carry our emotional baggage from the past and unload it on our future partner, claiming it is their fault for triggering our painful wounds. But it is not their fault because the wound was already present and your partner is merely shining the light on the wound so you can heal and transform it. Therefore, to stop resisting your difficulties feelings, be open to the messages they carry and you will come to realise, everything has been working out perfectly for your highest good.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!
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"To Thine Own Self Be True"
By Andrew Papas
Are you trying to rebuild your life?
*where do you see yourself one year from now?
*where do you want to be in the next 5 or 10 years?
Wrong values and wrong goals set you on the path to nowhere!
Unrealized dreams, untapped potential, wasted opportunities and unsolved problems can bring feelings of being at the mercy of the unknown.
Fear creates helplessness and anxiety that cause negative emotions about the future.
Life should reflect who we truly are to find our fulfillment in life and to maximize our potential.
"The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have."
"To Thine Own Self be True!"
A future that is based on your interests adds value to life.
Values that are important to you should be used as guidelines within which to think and direct behavior.
Big or small, dreams can provide the direction through making goals and plans to reach them.
They can keep you going even through adversity, to climb the ladder of success.
"The starting point of all achievement is desire".
-Napoleon Hill
Your Conscience
Peace of mind is essential to being more productive.
The conscience is a part of an individual's value system that will tell you what is right and what is wrong.
Listen to your conscience to make wise choices.
Faith and Hope
Hope can mean the difference between giving up and going on.
Like a bright shining light, it creates a confident expectation to persevere and to endure anything and everything towards a brighter tomorrow.
Faith is the pathway to the power of your imagination that sees the positive in all situations.
"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible."
Thomas Aquinas
Self-confidence is an attitude that reflects inner feelings and the self-image of the individual.
It is associated with optimism about future outcomes.
It means having faith in your choices and actions to accomplish desired goals, to create opportunities and to maximize your potential.
Knowledge and Experience
Knowledge is founded upon acquiring relevant information through experience or education.
Experience is practical and is gained over a period of time which help you develop skills.
Confidence grows as knowledge and experience increases.
Self-discipline is inner strength over yourself, your actions and your reactions to withstand difficulties, whether physical or emotional.
It gives you the determination to persevere to achieve your goals.
Health and Vitality
To achieve any goal in life you must have abundant energy that enables you to get through the day and provides that good-to-be alive feeling.
A well-balanced, nutritionally rich diet and exercise program is the foundation to that inner feeling of well-being and vitality.
Keys to healthy living:
*avoid the extreme and harmful
*moderation where necessary
*peace of mind
*a clear conscience
*spiritual fulfillment
Why be a puppet of fate, chance or wishful thinking?
A vivid vision of your ideal future opens your eyes to your goals and their end result.
Goals that are in line with your values and interests add purpose to life.
They motivate, establish priorities, give a direction and provide the energy to keep you focused on achievement.
Goals that seem complicated should be broken down into smaller step-by-step sub-goals - each small gain will bring you closer to your goal.
They help to overcome inertia (a tendency to do nothing) and build confidence with each sub-goal achieved.
Plans provide the resources needed to reach each goal.
Desire to achieve generates the power of action.
Persistence provides the continued effort to follow through despite obstacles - it is the difference between success and failure.
*your goals must be realistic
*your decisions must be based on relevant facts
*self management helps to get things done
*regular reviewing lets you know how well you are going
*motivation to achieve moves you to action
Power of the Mind
The mind and imagination are the tools of creation.
Optimism opens the path to self-fulfillment.
It keeps you constantly inspired to visualize a brighter future through positive actions.
The important thing about opportunity is the individual who:
*takes it when it comes along
*sets out to look for it
"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
-Chris Grosser
Taking Action
To achieve any goal, initiative is needed to get started.
Examples of initiative include:
*innovative thinking
Passion that is enduring can transform your life.
*think about the possibilities.
*think about the rewards
Positive expectations bring positive results.
My name is Andrew Papas and I am an Internet Marketer and Self Publisher.
Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Solo Build It! My goal is to bring together the best resources available and legitimate Online Business Opportunities that can work for you.
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Friday, July 23, 2021
Good Habits Support Good Results
If you are looking to change something in your life it starts with good habits. Start small, be consistent and you will start to see changes. Take a look at this article and I think you will find some very valuable tools for your life.
Good Habits Support Good Results
Are you perhaps feeling that now's the time to improve your health and your life? Good habits are often crucial to achieving good results and a positive outcome.
You may be looking to lose weight, become fitter, more successful, are motivated to do well at work or feel it's time to extend your circle of friends; all require sustained effort to continue beyond the first few enthusiastic days.
Let good habits support good results
- The first thing to appreciate about good habits is that they must have a real resonance for you. If you're not especially bothered about being slimmer, fitter or more successful, then that lack of enthusiasm won't sustain you through cold dark evenings or on the tough days when your will power starts to waver. Having friends or family who are pushing you to 'improve' only increases your stress levels, resentment and maybe even feelings of low self-esteem. Pick good habits that feel right for you.
- Small steps are a positive way to move towards your bigger goals. Stepping-stones can help to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed at having to tackle everything all at once. Recognise each milestone you achieve; give yourself credit for enrolling in that class, not eating that cake, declining that alcoholic drink. Each decision takes you nearer to those good results.
- Stay focused, but also appreciate that sometimes other options may appear which can add value to your life. Don't allow yourself to become too distracted from your agreed good habits but equally be ready for great opportunities that may come along. Ring-fence the time, money or mental energy you expend on distractions. Allow yourself to make the most of them and enjoy what they bring to your life, but don't let them take you away from the big picture and your ultimate goal.
- Being accountable to others can be a great motivator. Having to check in regularly and report on your progress ensures that you keep your eye on each stage of the journey. Knowing that you've a regular date in the diary can quickly push temptations out of your mind.
- Joining a group and working together on shared goals can provide a good support network. Exchanging tips, advice and motivational stories can give a real boost on those tired, unenthusiastic days. And if we know our attendance is important to the group's survival it can inspire us to continue going. Being a group member, even when it's online, can encourage us to stick with our good habits. The downside though is that if one or two members lose their enthusiasm it can demotivate the rest.
- Sometimes paying upfront to join a club or gym pushes people to go regularly, whilst others lose interest and go only a couple of times even after paying out all that money. For me, I've committed to a weekly delivery of locally grown organic vegetables. It's inspired me to eat at least one item from the box every day and it's good to cook from scratch, eat fresh organic meals, shop local and sometimes try new things that I've never cooked before. Having it arrive every week means there's no excuse to slack off from eating this healthy veg, and it's a habit I'm pleased to maintain.
- Be aware of your vulnerable areas and put steps in place to mitigate them. So, for example, if you know that you find reasons to justify stopping at the petrol station, off licence or supermarket every day, where you then 'accidentally' buy chocolates, wine, cigarettes or scratch cards, intercept those times and don't go. Instead, shop online or make a list and shop once a week. Don't put yourself in temptation's way.
- Using the services of a professional coach or therapist may be worth considering if you feel there are specific issues which are holding you back and which need to be addressed. Regular sessions could help you move on, introduce a positive mindset, manage stress and determine to treat yourself better.
Be gentle with yourself. It can take 2-6 months for a new habit to become your automatic default. If you experience slip ups, bad days and 'can't be bothered's be kind to yourself and let them go. Remind yourself of all the good reasons you have to persist and start again, knowing that by sticking with your good habits you'll ultimately support good results and outcomes.
Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.
She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas. To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit
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Tyler Perry: God's Guidance to Your Dreams
Watch "Tyler Perry: God's Guidance to Your Dreams (Full Speech) | Praise on TBN" on YouTube
Thursday, July 22, 2021
The Power of Setting Goals - Be S.M.A.R.T
Setting goals is an important way to get things done. It the way to take a huge goal and then break it up into bite sized pieces to reduce the overwhelm and get closer to your desired destination. Check out this article to break down goal setting in a way that eases the stress and puts you on the road to success.
The Power of Setting Goals - Be S.M.A.R.T
One of the most common complaints that many people have in regard to goal setting is that they are just too busy to find time to set goals. We become too consumed by our work and then by our responsibilities for our family that we get little time for personal enrichment of any kind. All these are valid points but if you are going to live a prosperous life you have to learn how to use situations that you consider to be obstacles as motivation and not as excuses. As a family, we have our individual goals, we have our family goals and our business goals. And they are posted within our home so we can keep track.
At first, it was a little uncomfortable sharing our individual goals with each other. I think it had more to do with fear of not accomplishing the goal because now others are aware of your goals and they can hold you accountable. There is joy when you come together as a family and set goals and it is even more gratifying when you accomplish those goals. If your goal is not important to you or if it is not something you deeply want, you probably will not achieve it. On the other hand, if your goal means everything to you, there is no excuse on earth that can stop you from accomplishing your goals. Goal setting should be fun, exciting and S.M.A.R.T.
Most people have goals to get promoted, earn more money, improve relationships and the like, but these are very vague goals. To be specific, you need to include the full details of your goals. Write down something like, "I will be promoted to President of my company by (date)" "I will run a 5k in an hour" or "I will grow my relationship with my spouse by going on a date every week." Include the names, the position, the amount, the date and everything else needed to train your mind to start working toward that goal.
Goals need to be measurable so that you can keep track of how well you are doing. For your business or job, you can include specifics such as the number of hours you are working, the amount you are earning, the staff you are managing, etc. For the goal of attaining more money, you can include details such as the amount you want to earn, save or the number of assets and investments you want to attain. Always have important points and items to be measured so you can understand how close you are to achieving your goals.
Attainable vs Realistic
It is OK to set goals that would stretch you outside of your comfort zone. Make sure you set objectives that you can reach within a given amount of time, provided the current resources and capabilities you have. Some goals can be achieved faster compared to others if you have the right tools and strategies already in place. Always include a strategic plan for big objectives.
Set "lifelines" to achieve your goals. We don't like the word deadline, we prefer "lifeline". Stay specific when setting timelines and schedules. For example, indicate things like "To spend at least 1 uninterrupted hour talking positively with my spouse every day starting tomorrow (indicate exact date)". Setting the exact time and date will spur you to start working on your goals, instead of putting it off for another day and procrastinating. Some goals can take years to accomplish so it is wiser to break these down into smaller objectives complete with lifelines.
Put these strategies to work and watch you accomplish your goals with ease. You are worthy of achieving your goals so always remember to be S.M.A.R.T while getting them done.
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10 Steps to Attract the Life You Want
Why is there a little black cloud over some peoples heads. Its so interesting how I almost always get a parking place where I need to go. I enjoy all the places I go. If you are looking for bad things to happen, they happen. Don't get me wrong, bad things still happen occasionally, but that's life. Check out this article, Connor talks about how to attract the things you want, not the things you don't want.
Why is there a little black cloud over some peoples heads. Its so interesting how I almost always get a parking place where I need to go. I enjoy all the places I go. If you are looking for bad things to happen, they happen. Don't get me wrong, bad things still happen occasionally, but that's life. Check out this article, Connor talks about how to attract the things you want, not the things you don't want.
10 Steps to Attract the Life You Want
"What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi
If I told you that you could create the exact type of circumstances you want, would you call me crazy?
What if your very thoughts could create ripples of change that not only impact your life...
... but those around you as well?
Philip, a call centre worker from the Philippines certainly didn't think so. He dreamed of moving overseas so he could secure a better life and provide for his family.
But at every turn, his own mind shut down every opportunity he thought of.
For instance, Philip considered seeing an immigration consultant, but he either "didn't have the time" or "couldn't afford it".
So, he resented his situation and cursed himself (and the world) for his "bad luck".
He didn't realize that the real culprit was his mindset - not his circumstances.
And it seemed like the more he ruminated, the more bad things happened.
Thus, he kept feeding the cycle of being stuck in a rut and feeling bad, trapping him even more.
That was, until his aunt Sara introduced him to the Law of Attraction.
Turning the tide
Before she moved to California, Sara had been close with Philip and treated him like a son.
She had her own share of struggles finding greener pastures abroad, but she applied the principles from the Law of Attraction to overcome them.
So she sent a few books on the topic to Philip through Amazon so he could gain the clarity to turn his life around.
At first, Philip didn't really think much of it, but he decided to read through the books since his aunt went through the trouble of sending it over.
After he started applying the lessons he learned from the material, things started to change for him.
It came as a complete shock to Philip - he never thought in a million years that making a simple shift in his thinking could have such a direct and POWERFUL impact in his life.
And soon enough, the fog of negativity and despair around Philip lifted and he found a way to make his dreams happen.
Through his persistence, he was eventually able to borrow the money he needed for the consultation fees, and learned the step-by-step process to get work overseas.
Philip was finally able to find a fulfilling and rewarding career in Australia. Not only does he get to support his family back home, he also made friends and enjoys his new life abroad.
Just a few months ago, Philip's parents started their own business, thanks to his help.
At the rate they're going, his family could save enough so they can pass on their business to another relative and follow Philip to Australia. ould wait for Philip to take the offer so they can move there instead.
Whatever option Philip chooses, the possibilities for him are almost limitless.
But he's just one of thousands who made the Law of Attraction to work for him. Like Philip, a lot of people are initially discouraged to try because they think it takes a lot of work.
But the reality is that it's surprisingly easy to get started. You just need to follow these 10 Super Simple Steps to Attract Everything You've Ever Wanted:
Step #1: A little gratitude goes a long way
The first thing you should learn about the Law of Attraction is that it operates on energy.
YOUR energy, to be exact.
Everyone has a different kind of energy they bring into the world, and it affects them in ways they often don't see or appreciate.
The secret lies in the FREQUENCY of a person's energy - and you need to raise yours in order to change your life.
Think of your unique energy as a sort of gas that fills the space of your reality. Whatever "gas" or "energy" you pump out into your immediate space will define your existence.
Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, said this in his book, "Man's Search for Meaning":
"To draw an analogy: a man's suffering is similar to the behavior of a gas. If a certain quantity of gas is pumped into an empty chamber, it will fill the chamber completely and evenly, no matter how big the chamber. Thus suffering completely fills the human soul and conscious mind, no matter whether the suffering is great or little. Therefore the "size" of human suffering is absolutely relative."
So if you want to invite great things into your life, you need to set the stage first. And you can do that by leading with the right energy.
That's why being grateful and appreciating what you have is powerful way to recalibrate your frequency.
Most folks hold off on feeling this way for AFTER they get what they want. But that's putting the cart before the horse, as the saying goes.
When you LEAD with gratitude, it will act as the precedent for everything good that follows.
Click Here To Discover the Lazy Person's Secret To Get Everything You've Ever Wished For
What I like to do is start of my day by making a list of things that I'm grateful for. If I miss anything, I save it for later and update my list at the end of my day.
And when I go over my list during the weekend, I'll see exactly how much good stuff I've accumulated.
This creates a kind of snowball effect and helps me attract even MORE good stuff down the road.
Step #2: Be generous
This can be a challenge for some people if they feel like there isn't enough to go around.
But if you take the initiative to SHARE whatever you can without asking anything in return...
... you'll generate the kind of energy that attracts prosperity for everyone...
... including YOU.
Again, this is the Law of Attraction at work.
Try offering your time, talents and material wealth to those who need it - you'll soon invite blessings without even trying.
Step #3: Visualize your future
What I find amazing about kids is how powerful their imaginations are.
When they role-play with other children, you can see in their eyes how REAL their games are to them.
This is something that's lost on grown-ups, and it's important to recapture that ability to envision the kind of reality you want.
The Universe likes to play games with us- the better you are at visualizing, the more you'll be rewarded.
Like I said, a certain type of energy attracts a certain kind of reality.
So if you focus your energy and thoughts on that dream job you want or the car you've always wanted to drive, you'll raise your frequency to ATTRACT those exact things.
Step #4: Let the negativity pass
When the bad times roll in and you feel like dirt, sometimes it's better to step aside and let it run its course.
Having negative thoughts and emotions are totally normal, but you don't always have to wrestle with them.
You can simply acknowledge what's going on in your inner world - then CHOOSE to keep moving forward anyway.
Let this negative energy pass through your system like bad case of gas. The sooner you let it do its thing, the quicker you can get back to what you were doing.
(Sorry for the fart analogy, but it get the point across, doesn't it?)
Step #5: Never stop growing
It's good to have a daily routine in your life, but not at the expense of your personal development.
Most people are so set in their ways that they're afraid of the thought of doing something new.
Then they complain about their humdrum lives, or that some folks "have all the luck."
Breaking out of your comfort zone is never an easy thing, but it's a step worth taking.
No matter how loaded your schedule is, find some chunks of time to do things that will help you grow.
Whether it's taking an online course, joining a community, or taking up a hobby, this is a powerful way to attract new and exciting things in your life.
Step #6: Avoid the "toxic" crowd
There are people who seem hell-bent on pulling others into their world of misery.
Whether they're trying to lessen their own pain or simply enjoy doing it, you need to steer clear of them.
Instead, choose people who will have the opposite effect on your psyche. Not only does a person's energy attract circumstances, it's also CONTAGIOUS.
So make sure you hang out with the people who'll inspire you to achieve greater things - and not bring you down with apathy or inaction.
Use the Universe to Manifest Your Dream
Step #7: Give yourself permission to succeed
Most of the world's most brilliant people were put down in some way.
Somewhere along the way, someone told them they'd "never make it" or were "destined to fail."
In your own life, certain people have tried to discourage you in some way.
They might have tried putting you down when you were growing up - or it could have been last week.
It doesn't matter.
What's important is that you understand that NO ONE can put labels on you.
And more importantly, they can NEVER give you permission to achieve what you want in life. You need to do that for yourself.
Don't let their words define your "story". You don't have to fit whatever petty narrative they're trying to force on you.
Step #8: Affirm who you are
Instead of feeding into the lies that people tell you, let this be the day to start living your truth.
Create statements that embody the truth you choose to be, AND to live in.
People do this all the time.
When Elon Musk tried to launch the world's first privately owned rocket and failed, he told himself, "I'm going to try again, and I WILL get that thing into orbit." (Well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the point.)
And so his company SpaceX went back to the drawing board and got it right after the third attempt.
Elon affirmed his truth and it manifested into reality. In the same way, you can choose to affirm whatever truth applies to you.
Be honest with yourself and acknowledge the things that TRULY matter to you.
You know it, and the Universe knows it.
The key is to repeat it yourself every day. For example, if you know deep in your heart that you want to make a better life for yourself, you can say something like this:
"I may be struggling right now, but I know deep inside that I have what it takes to improve my life. I see myself transforming into a happier, wealthier person who makes other people's lives brighter."
When you operate from even the tiniest shred of truth, you can grow that into a powerful force over time.
Step #9: Fail spectacularly
Here's something most people don't know about the Law of Attraction: before you can enjoy success and find true happiness, you need to crash and burn.
It's better to go after what you want and risking failure rather than playing it safe and not trying at all.
To create order in your life, you'll have to embrace the chaos that comes before it.
This is where you'll find the real lessons, even if they hurt a little.
(Or in some cases, a LOT).
Think of yourself as the beautiful Phoenix, like in the legends.
Imagine burning off bits and pieces of yourself that you don't need. As you rise from the ashes, you're reborn into a NEW YOU.
That's evolution. It may be an imperfect and unpleasant process, but the results are worth it.
Step #10: Remove your BIGGEST barrier to success
People don't realize that their greatest roadblock is none other than their own mindset.
They may say they want something to happen, but don't REALLY mean it.
For instance, someone might want to lose weight, but they don't want it bad enough.
Worse, they might not actually believe they can shed those pounds. A part of them refuses to acknowledge the faintest possibility of it happening.
This is pretty much why people NEVER attract the things they want in life.
In order to remove this barrier, you'll need to change something inside you.
You need to dig deep and understand WHY you don't want it as much as you say you do.
Are you scared of suffering through the process of getting what you want?
This is what turns most people off - they simply can't process the discomfort involved with growing up.
At the same time, you need to deal with the reasons why you think that your desired reality is impossible.
It could be some deep-seated beliefs brought about by past events, or experiences growing up.
Once you sort this out, you'll be free to do what you want without any pre-programmed beliefs holding you back.
Now, these ten steps we just talked about will get your foot in the door. Once you start doing them regularly, you'll experience remarkable breakthroughs you didn't think were possible.
But if you want to witness even MORE changes on a massive (or even cosmic) scale, you need to check out my FULL course called Manifestation Miracle.
Like the name suggests, I enjoyed nothing short of a life-changing revolution not too long ago.
In a lot of ways, my situation was the same as Philip's. I worked myself to the bone and felt unfulfilled.
I was trapped in my soul-crushing career. Even though I needed the money, I HATED having to put up a hollow appearance of a happy, successful businesswoman.
But then I discovered how turn my mind into a magnet for prosperity and abundance...
Learn how I unlocked the secret to ATTRACTING anything AND everything I wanted - CLICK HERE to watch the video now...
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Oprah's 2020 Vision Tour Visionaries: The Rock Interview
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