Saturday, July 17, 2021

Three Steps to Identify and Remove Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can be why you can't seem to move forward without you realizing they are causing you these setbacks. Check out this article and see if it speaks to you. 

Three Steps to Identify and Remove Your Limiting Beliefs

By Tomislav Tomic

"If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?" - William Somerset Maugham

Do you know that the average person makes about 35,000 decisions a day? If this sounds amazing, think about the following...

Right now you are making a decision whether to continue reading this article or do something else. In other words, every moment of your life you make individual choices and the total sum of those choices as well as their consequences is what we call OUR REALITY. For this to be even more interesting, neuroscientists say that more than 95 percent of our decisions are made completely unconsciously.

The next question now arises, based on what are you deciding which next choice to choose or what is the thing that most influences the decisions you make. This is where we come to our beliefs, that is, internal programs that govern the vast majority of our daily choices and decisions.


Our beliefs are like software that allows us to see only content that supports such software on our screen. They create our expectations and manage our reactions. We can have many hopes, aspirations and goals, but the actual steps that we need to achieve them we will only be able to take regularly when we at least partially get rid of precisely those limiting beliefs that do not support the direction we want to go.

Although we all have many different limiting beliefs, the good news is that most of them are completely irrelevant and there is no need to deal with them at all. Beliefs that make sense are precisely those that automatically activate in us when we begin to take practical steps on a topic that is currently something important to us, and feel that our life or business is stagnant until we make a concrete move on the topic.

How to get rid of such limiting beliefs?

For starters, it is important to be specific and focused on one area of life for a specific period. Or, better yet, just one goal that you see as priority.

Think of a current goal of your own that is extremely important to you and does not suffer any further delays, while at the same time you feel that you are spinning too much in circle and not taking as many practical steps as necessary given the importance of such a goal.

Then ask yourself the following question:

"What should someone deep down believe that, as a result, would behave in the ways I behave in relation to my goal?"

Then, without thinking too much, start writing down thoughts that come to the surface of your consciousness. They will generally represent precisely the beliefs that most restrict your engagement on the path toward achieving your goal. Once such limiting beliefs "pass" from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind, they will no longer represent the "mechanism" that dominates your decisions, but will only become an option to think about and be able to crucially re-examine.

Once such limiting beliefs "pass" from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind, they will no longer represent the "mechanism" that dominates your decisions, but will only become an option to think about and be able to crucially re-examine.

Take 20 minutes a week for the process and repeat it until you feel that old habits and behaviors no longer have a big impact on your new decisions.

One more thing...

Clients often ask me if it is necessary to have clearly defined goals, that is, whether it is possible to work on getting rid of limiting beliefs without clear goals. My answer is that it is possible, but you'll need to invest 10 times more time and energy to achieve the same effect.


Because all your attention will be scattered in different directions and because of the lack of clarity of the direction you want to go, it will be difficult for you to define at all what your limiting beliefs are.

No belief by itself is limiting. It becomes limiting only when we feel it hindering us to reach the goal that really matters to us and that we want to achieve.

This article is a part of the working script for a program "TT MINDFULNESS™ - BECOME A MINDFULNESS COACH". For more information visit:

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